Frequently Asked Questions

Before you email asking, check out our FAQ's.

Why do you have no logo?
We do not need a logo, we did not see the point in having one, but there is some ASCII art hidden in this websites source code.

Why is your website so simple?
Our website loads quickly, it is mobile friendly, our text can easily be read on any device, and is built using as little code as possible. It is perfect.

Do you have any social media accounts?
We do not maintain any official public social media accounts, and you cannot communicate with us on social media. We use social media operationally.

Are you hackers?
We have a number of information, network, and cyber security professionals on our team who think of themselves as hackers, and they like to hack.

Are you spies?
While some members of our team may have worked for, or with, the intelligence community, it doesn't mean they were spies. This isn't a movie.

Do you physically hurt people?
Physically violence is not what we do, we do not work on revenge projects that involve violence. We can introduce you to a dependable contractor.

Do you break the law?
We have never been caught breaking the law, we will never be caught breaking the law, and we will never discuss our methods or operations.

Why choose you over your competitors?
The few competitors that we have in our space are not serious operators, their people, corporations, bank accounts, and infrastructure is too transparent.

What do you have that your competitors do not?
The kind of skills and experience that come from decades of work in military and intelligence, tracking serious targets and working people of interest.

Will you do anything to anyone?
We do not kill or physically hurt people, and we do not target children, or members of the military, law enforcement, and intelligence communities.

Why should I work with you?
We are the most serious minded revenge agency on the public internet, we are serious about our privacy, and serious about protecting you and our work.

Why do you charge for the first conversation.
We do not want to talk to random internet strangers about their revenge fantasies. We only work with serious minded individuals who can afford us.

Do you only accept crypto currency as payment?
Yes. It enables us to transact without leaving a paper trail, and when we transact in Monero, with total privacy. Best practice to protect all parties.

Should I pay you in Bitcoin or Monero?
It depends on how paranoid you are, and the nature of your revenge. We accept bitcoin for initial consultations, but may later require Monero as payment.

Are you expensive?
You should expect to pay $500 for a simple solution, $1000 for a complex solution, and $5000+ for a difficult, dangerous, or long term revenge solution.

What data do you gather and retain?
Beyond the contact information you provide, and the information we need to operate, we retain no records, and we will destroy your data wen we are done.

Do I need technical skills to email you?
No. Our encrypted email system is easy to use, and relies on a password that we provide. You will need to know how to use and send cryptocurrency though.

Do you have a public PGP Key?
Yes. If you are technical enough to work with encryption keys to encrypt and decrypt messages, please ask us for our public encryption key.

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